Doom's Dating Resort

See anyone you'd like to spend time with? Go on a date with your favorite character.

About dating

On this page you can date one of the available characters by telling them your name. That means the character stays alone with you for a time (about 2 hours). You'll see a picture of your date and a few special words from them. Have a nice time!

When dating someone, you will be alone with them and won't be able to see anyone else. Noone else will be able to date the same character as you. Intead they will see a message showing that your chosen character is dating you. Your name will be visible, so make sure not to put any personal information there.

The dating resort uses cookies to manage your date. Click here to see why

Cookies and privacy

This page uses one cookie to keep track of who you're dating. The cookie only keeps your name and the name of the character you're dating and expires after the date is over. If you don't want this cookie, don't give your name.

If you delete the cookie, your date won't recognize you and you won't have access to the character anymore. If that happens, just wait a while and try dating the character again later.

After your cookie expires and your date ends, your name will be permanently deleted from the website.